Military training area Herisau-Gossau: Amphibian monitoring confirms successful promotion of biodiversity

Bern, 03.10.2024 - The Herisau-Gossau military training area includes an amphibian spawning ground of national significance. armasuisse and the Armed Forces are bolstering endangered amphibian species with regular support measures. The 2024 monitoring confirms the constantly high amphibian population on the site.

The results of amphibian monitoring 2024 for the Herisau-Gossau military training area are now available. The monitoring results show that the amphibian population and the biodiversity on the Herisau-Gossau military training area are still high.

The monitoring is carried out every five years and this year is even more relevant than before. Thanks to new types of water traps, around two-thirds of all adult newts can be counted. The traps (bag box traps) are placed at the bottom of the waters for one night. They are particularly suitable for capturing and counting newts and then releasing them again.

Where recruits and rare amphibians meet

The Herisau-Gossau military training area is an important training site for the Armed Forces. It is used all year round for training recruit and NCO schools of the infantry. The training area “Breitfeld” and the wetland “Oberbergfeld” are used by the population as a local recreation area, while at the same time offering a diverse habitat for native flora and fauna. What are particularly important for amphibians – such as the endangered yellow-bellied toad – are the many ponds, ditches and streams as well as the extensively used areas.

Promoting biodiversity for over 20 years

Protecting biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the ecological balance. The Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) has therefore been promoting the diversity of species and their habitats for over 20 years. This commitment pays off. As a consequence of the measures taken, habitats and species on the endangered list are found more commonly on shooting ranges, military training areas and airfields than in the rest of the country. This makes the DDPS an important player in the promotion of Swiss biodiversity.

Address for enquiries

Samanta Leiser
Communications armasuisse
+41 58 465 33 79




General Secretariat DDPS