Far-reaching re-organisation of VHF frequencies in the Lake Geneva area and the Chablais region. Improved reception quality for radio listeners

Biel-Bienne, 30.10.2000 - During the night of 2-3 November 2000, from 20.05 hours, some forty VHF frequencies in the Lake Geneva area and the Chablais region will be re-organised. This re-organisation is intended to provide better reception quality for the following radio stations: RSR La Première, Espace 2, Couleur 3, DRS 1, RSI 1, Lausanne FM, Radio Chablais, Radio Lac, ONE FM and Radio Framboise. This action is the result of co-operation between OFCOM and the radio stations concerned.

The painstaking clarification work carried out by OFCOM's experts, relying on the support of the radio stations directly concerned, has borne fruit. In agreement with the French authorities, it has been possible to extensively revise the VHF frequency plan. This step will primarily ensure improved radio reception quality and will eliminate existing gaps in coverage in the regions around Lake Geneva and Chablais.

Address for enquiries

Pierre Smolik, Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM), Tel. 032 327 55 40


Federal Office of Communications
