Federal Council requests CHF 13 million for humanitarian aid in Middle East

Bern, 27.09.2024 - At its meeting on 27 September 2024, the Federal Council took a decision concerning the final instalment of the credit for humanitarian operations in the Middle East. A total of CHF 13 million will be used to support national and international organisations working in the region. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) has been instructed to consult the foreign affairs committees. In this context, the FDFA informed the Federal Council about how it intends to implement Parliament's decision to reduce the humanitarian credit for 2024. The Federal Council reiterates its call for a diplomatic solution that upholds international humanitarian law and leads to de-escalation and peace in the Middle East.

As decided by Parliament in December 2023, disbursements for the Middle East under the 'Humanitarian operations' credit for 2024 will be made in instalments and only after consultation with the chambers' foreign affairs committees. For the third and final instalment in 2024, the Federal Council has decided to allocate around CHF 13 million to organisations from Switzerland, the International Committee of the Red Cross, United Nations organisations and international NGOs. The humanitarian aid payments are intended to alleviate hardship, particularly in the areas of water, food, health, education, income and social cohesion in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the occupied Palestinian territory and Syria. The decision regarding this final instalment will be submitted to the foreign affairs committees for consultation.

The total budget for humanitarian operations in the Middle East this year amounts to around CHF 79 million. On 24 April 2024, the Federal Council approved around CHF 56 million for the first instalment. On 8 May, the Federal Council decided to disburse CHF 10 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This funding was restricted to an appeal for humanitarian aid from UNRWA and to the most pressing basic needs of the people in Gaza. The foreign affairs committees were consulted and approved these funds. As a result of Parliament's decision to cut the 2024 humanitarian credit by CHF 10 million, in view of the humanitarian situation worldwide (including possible natural disasters) and the related need to maintain a certain degree of financial flexibility until the end of the year, as well as the ongoing parliamentary deliberations on UNRWA, the CHF 10 million contribution to UNRWA approved by the Federal Council in May will not be increased within the 2024 budget.

The Federal Council emphasises that only dialogue, de-escalation and adherence to international humanitarian law can bring about peace in the Middle East. Regarding Gaza, it reiterates its call for a ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages and unimpeded humanitarian access. The Federal Council also reaffirms that the two-state solution is the only basis for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. In light of the ongoing violence in the Lebanese-Israeli border area and the resulting, a diplomatic solution is essential to enable the Lebanese and Israeli populations to live in peace and security.

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The Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
