Switzerland attends 9th Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers for Education (ASEMME)

Bern, 26.01.2024 - Switzerland is a member of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), which since 1996 has facilitated dialogue between Europe and Asia on economic, political, educational, cultural, environmental and climate issues. Education has been discussed in detail at regular ministerial meetings since 2008. The 9th Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers for Education (ASEMME) was held in Floriana, Malta on 25 and 26 January 2024.

ASEM is designed to serve as an informal platform to foster dialogue between European and Asian states. The aim of the ministerial talks and biennial summits is to exchange views on the challenges and problems facing both continents. ASEM currently comprises the EU Member States, Norway, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, representatives of the European Union as well as 21 Asian states and the ASEAN Secretariat.

The 9th Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers for Education (ASEMME) was held in Floriana, Malta on 25 and 26 January 2024. Participants were welcomed by Dr. Clifton Grima, the Maltese Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation. Switzerland was represented by Jacques Ducrest, Ambassador and head of the International Relations Division of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). The ministerial meeting was devoted to the theme: ‘Leaving no one behind'. The aim was to discuss existing and new initiatives and projects as well as to renew support for the ASEM Education Strategy 2030 and Action Plan.

At present, cooperation between member states is based on the four strategic objectives established in the ASEM Education Strategy 2030, namely:

  • Enhancing Connectivity between Asia and Europe by Boosting Inclusive and Balanced Mobility and Exchanges,
  • Promoting Lifelong Learning (LLL), Including Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET),
  • Fostering the Development of Skills and Competences (e.g. transferable skills, digital skills)
  • Creating More Transparency and Mutual Understanding on Recognition, Validation and Quality Assurance.

Participants underscored the importance of cross-cutting topics such as sustainable development and digitalisation as catalysts for dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe.

Address for enquiries

State Secretariat for education, research and innovation, Communication, medien@sbfi.admin.ch, 058 462 96 90


State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
