Strategic partnership dialogue between Switzerland and the United States

Bern, 01.10.2021 - FDFA State Secretary Livia Leu welcomed her US counterpart Wendy R. Sherman to Bern today for the first strategic partnership dialogue between Switzerland and the United States. The discussions focused on the prospects for the two countries' bilateral relations in a changing world, and covered scientific and economic cooperation, Switzerland's good offices and various topical international issues.

Through this high-level meeting, Switzerland and the United States are consolidating a profound and wide-ranging bilateral dialogue. Such strategic partnership dialogue meetings are to be pursued each year between the State Secretary of the FDFA and the Deputy Secretary of State of the US. Their goal is to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation within international forums, in search of solutions to global problems and ways to mitigate regional crises. The dialogue process builds on and bolsters the two existing political and economic working groups.

Today's discussions focused on the close economic relations between the two countries. The United States is Switzerland's largest trading partner outside Europe, and Switzerland is no less than the third largest investor in research and development in the US. Exchanges also covered cooperation in cybersecurity, digitalisation, the fight against corruption, and climate change. Sanctions policy as well as strengthening cooperation in human rights work were discussed as well.

Ms Leu and Ms Sherman also exchanged views on the latest developments in various regions of the world, such as in Afghanistan. Another topic was Switzerland's protecting power mandate in Iran on behalf of the United States. The parties used this meeting as an opportunity to underscore their excellent bilateral relations and identify ways to consolidate them. During her stay in Bern U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman will also be received by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis for a courtesy visit.

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CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs