FDFA appoints Matthias Egger to board of Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator foundation as representative of the Swiss Confederation

Bern, 22.05.2019 - Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), has appointed Professor Matthias Egger to the board of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator foundation.

Professor Egger, 61, from Bern, has chaired the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation since 2017. He is Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Bern and an expert on Swiss university and research policy. He is also a renowned scientist with an excellent international network.

The aim of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GSDA) foundation is to anticipate future digital, biotechnological and ecological developments, to analyse their impact on society and to propose concrete solutions as to how the global community can best respond. An additional aim is to ensure that 21st century challenges in these areas are addressed in Geneva.

The Federal Council decided to establish the GSDA on 20 February 2019, appointing Peter Brabeck-Letmathe as chair and Patrick Aebischer as vice-chair. The FDFA is supporting the launch of the GSDA, which will be jointly established by the Swiss Confederation and the Canton of Geneva, with CHF 3 million over three years (pilot phase 2019–22).

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
