Syria: the FDFA is concerned about the upsurge in fighting in Eastern Ghouta and Idlib province

Bern, 11.01.2018 - The FDFA is deeply concerned about the recent upsurge in fighting in Syria and its dramatic consequences for the civilian population. It calls on all parties to the conflict to facilitate immediate and unhindered access for the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need, including people in areas that are under siege and difficult to reach.

The FDFA strongly condemns any attacks directly targeting the civilian population, as was the case in recent weeks in Eastern Ghouta and the province of Idlib. Such attacks constitute a serious violation of international humanitarian law, in particular the fundamental principle of distinction. The FDFA calls on all parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian law, including the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution in the conduct of hostilities. 

The FDFA urges all parties to the conflict and the states that exert influence over them to participate fully and constructively in the peace negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations in Geneva. The cessation of fighting is indispensable to reach a political solution, thereby putting an end to the suffering of the people of Syria.

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs