Omnibus Survey 2015: Environmental quality and behaviour – Population more careful with electricity consumption

Neuchâtel, 26.01.2016 - (FSO) - In 2015, 92% of the population evaluated the quality of the environment in Switzerland as very or quite good. 42% said that they always paid attention to the electricity consumption of goods when buying electrical appliances. Four years earlier this figure was only 35%. At home, 24% of the population said they were disturbed by traffic noise and 19% by air pollution. These are the first results from a survey on the environment, conducted by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) for the second time.

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below)

Address for enquiries

Laurent Zecha, FSO, Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory section, +41 58 46 36720,


Federal Statistical Office