Federal Councillor for a day: 75 children and young people visit the FDFA for National Future Day

Bern, 12.11.2015 - To mark National Future Day 2015, a group of about 75 children and young people spent a day at work with their parents or relatives, looking behind the scenes at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. A highlight of the day was a meeting with Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, who took the youngsters into the Federal Council Chamber, where he answered their numerous questions.

The aim of National Future Day is to give youngsters the opportunity to accompany their parents or relatives to work and learn about various aspects of working life and the possibilities and prospects it offers. The day comprised a varied programme coordinated by the FDFA's Section for Equal Opportunities and Global Gender and Women's Issues.

The first event in the morning was a workshop on the theme of 'Gender Equality at Work', where the young people learnt first and foremost that all professions are open to both sexes. "Everyone has the right to choose whatever profession they want to pursue", said Luana (13). The youngsters also learnt that it is perfectly possible to learn and exercise several professions over the course of a lifetime. "Even your parents can't tell you what to do with your life", says Céline (13).

At the end of the morning, the young people met Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, who heads the FDFA, in the Federal Palace West Wing. After welcoming the group of about 75 young people, Mr Burkhalter showed them into the Federal Council Chamber. Noting that there had never been so many people in the Federal Council Chamber, Mr Burkhalter joked "this ought to go down in history". He also answered several questions posed by the visitors. One girl wanted to know the purpose of the button at the Federal Councillor's desk (answer: to summon the usher). And what are the little bottles for? They used to be inkpots and are now used to store paper clips. A boy wanted to know if the big chandelier was made of real gold. The answer: the chandelier is only gold-plated. The youngsters later said that Federal Councillor Burkhalter had come across as cheerful and very personable. After they left the Federal Council Chamber, Mr Burkhalter signed many autographs and posed for selfies. The young people then gathered for a group photo with the federal councillor.

Promoting Switzerland's image abroad, education in Africa, reconstruction assistance, living abroad – and a press release

In the afternoon, the young people attended a workshop to get to know the work of the FDFA:
• In the workshop organised by Presence Switzerland, the youngsters learnt about the methods that are used in various countries to promote Switzerland's image abroad and to improve people's knowledge of Switzerland.

• The Humanitarian Aid Department of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) helps people in need. Its workshop showed the visitors how Switzerland helps people rebuild their homes and communities after natural disasters such as earthquakes.

• Another workshop explained how and in what countries Switzerland helps children and young people get a good education or learn a trade. It was emphasised that basic and vocational education are not only important in Switzerland but especially also for children and young people in poor countries.

• Given that FDFA staff work all over the world, in the Directorate for Resources workshop parents and children talked about what it means to work or go to school in another country.

• In the afternoon, the young people gained an insight into the work of FDFA Information. "I learnt that people who work for FDFA Information are responsible for all the visual aspects of the FDFA's communication activities, which is pretty cool. I've always loved putting in the time it takes to give a good presentation in school", explained Irina, an 11-year-old French speaker who lives in Bern. Tilal, a French speaker who lives in Biel/Bienne, was interested in learning how the FDFA keeps the public informed about the activities of the SDC and Swiss Humanitarian Aid. Irina and Tilal co-wrote this FDFA press release with other young people who took part in National Future Day.

This press release was written by Luc, Reya, Dominik, Silvan, Tristan, Chiara, Masha, Finn, Nicolas, Joshua, Elijah, Benjamin, Céline, Luana, Lukas, Tilal and Irina.

Address for enquiries

FDFA Communication
Federal Palace West Wing
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55
E-mail: kommunikation@eda.admin.ch
Twitter: @SwissMFA


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
