Federal Council appoints future commissioner general for Swiss Pavilion at Expo 2017 in Astana

Bern, 07.10.2015 - Manuel Salchli, head of major international events at Presence Switzerland, has been appointed by the Federal Council as commissioner general for the Swiss Pavilion at Expo 2017, which will take place from 10 June to 10 September in Astana, Kazakhstan. Mauro Reina, Swiss ambassador to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, has been appointed deputy commissioner general.

Manuel Salchi has considerable experience with major international exhibitions, having served as director and deputy commissioner general at the Expo events in Milan in 2015 and Shanghai in 2010. The commissioner general for the exhibition is responsible for upholding Swiss interests in dealings with the organisers of Expo 2017 and with the Kazakh and Astana authorities.

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The Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
