President Sommaruga to meet US Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Bern, 14.09.2015 - President Simonetta Sommaruga, head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP), met the US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, for talks in Zurich on Monday. The meeting on the margins of the 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Prosecutors, being held in Switzerland this year, focused on a number of justice and security issues.

Switzerland and the USA are close and longstanding partners in justice and security cooperation. Ms Sommaruga informed Ms Lynch, among other things, about the status of extradition proceedings against seven FIFA officials being handled by the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ). One of the officials in question agreed to his extradition in July. The other six cases are still pending at the first instance within the FOJ. When the FOJ has reached its decisions on these cases, they can be referred to the Federal Criminal Court and the Federal Supreme Court.

At the meeting in Zurich both sides expressed their concern about the increase in cases of terrorist-motivated travel and related propaganda on the internet. Ms Sommaruga informed Ms Lynch about the creation last October of the Swiss task force, TETRA, headed by the Federal Office of Police (fedpol), which was set up to analyse the situation, identify possible cases where action is required, and propose possible new measures. The talks centred on the need for better use of the available tools, discussions with internet service providers, and preventing radicalisation among young people.

Ms Sommaruga added that Switzerland would be prepared to further expand cooperation between the respective police authorities in the fight against serious crime. Such cooperation currently takes place mainly via Interpol and police attachés on both sides. The fight against human trafficking and the particularly perilous position of women in armed conflicts were also discussed.

In addition, Ms Sommaruga informed Ms Lynch about progress in modernising copyright law which, among other things, is intended to facilitate the prosecution of copyright violations on the internet. The draft law is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

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General Secretariat FDJP