Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann Concludes His Trip to the United States by Signing a Declaration of Intent on Vocational Education and Training

Bern, 09.07.2015 - Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann wrapped up his trip to the U.S. today by signing a declaration of intent on Vocational Education and Training with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny S. Pritzker. This declaration will pave the way to more substantive cooperation between Switzerland and the U.S.. Before the declaration was signed, the Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) held talks with U.S. government representatives on economic issues, namely the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). On the first leg of the trip, the economic and scientific delegation, led by the Head of the EAER, visited the West Coast of the United States to promote Switzerland as a destination for education, research and investment, and to promote new partnerships in innovation.

Vocational education and training are core principles of the Swiss educational system. They play a major role in ensuring adequate education and job preparation for young people in Switzerland. Switzerland has received quite a lot of international interest in its apprenticeship model. Together, Switzerland and the United States have maintained a productive dialogue on Vocational Education and Training (VET). Last fall, Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann and U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez helped initiate this bilateral cooperation which has now materialized in the signing of this declaration of intent.

A work program containing various aspects of the cooperation is currently being developed, including pilot projects in a select number of U.S. states where Swiss affiliates already have a presence. Opportunities are also being explored for traineeships and to improve the comparability and appreciation of qualifications not only for apprentices and students but also for VET trainers and teaching staff.

On the last day of the five-day visit to the United States, members of the Swiss delegation participated in a number of meetings with U.S. government representatives. The Head of the EAER met with U.S. Trade Representative Michael B. Froman, and the two examined concrete steps to further expansion of economic relations within the framework of the existing trade dialogue between the U.S. and the EFTA states.

The United States is Switzerland's second most important trade partner (trade volume of over CHF 48 billion), and Switzerland is the sixth largest foreign investor in the U.S.. Switzerland will therefore seek to ensure that Swiss companies enjoy an optimal framework in which to conduct business in the U.S. in case a transatlantic free trade agreement between the EU and the U.S. should be found, thus safeguarding competitiveness and jobs. The agreement on the mutual recognition of rules on organic production signed on the same day is also intended to improve market access for Swiss products.

On the first leg of the trip, Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann and an economic and scientific delegation laid out the advantages Switzerland has as a destination for education, research and innovation. Exchanges were solidified through discussions and visits to Silicon Valley in California, a hub for research, development, and innovation in the United States.

Switzerland has enjoyed high marks in global innovation rankings for a number of consecutive years. Members of the delegation shared experiences and expertise in developing Innovation Hubs with their U.S. counterparts, who have established a similar center. During talks with California Governor Jerry Brown, Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann discussed economic issues and the further strengthening of Switzerland's presence in San Francisco by joining the Consulate General, swissnex, the Swiss Business Hub, and Switzerland Tourism under one roof.

Address for enquiries

NoƩ Blancpain, Head of EAER Communications, Tel. 058 462 39 60
(if unavailable due to time difference: EAER Communications Secretariat,
Tel. 058 462 20 07)


Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research

Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research

Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
