Statistical report of the social situation in Switzerland 2015 – Single parent families and people without post-compulsory education more vulnerable

Neuchâtel, 26.05.2015 - (FSO) - The traditional family continues to lose ground to single-person households and single parent or blended families. At the same time, the population's educational level is rising and the educational level demanded by the labour market is increasing. Some groups of the population remain particularly exposed to the risk of social exclusion in this context. These are the results of the second edition of the Swiss social report published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). This was supplemented by information on income poverty and a section dedicated to the population's perceived well-being.

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below)

Address for enquiries

Thomas Ruch, FSO, Section Social Analysis, +41 58 46 36159,
Nora Meister, FSO, Section Social Analysis, +41 58 467 25 50,


Federal Statistical Office