Migration: Special Ambassador Eduard Gnesa meets UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Bern-Wabern, 18.02.2011 - Eduard Gnesa, Special Ambassador for International Cooperation on Migration Issues, met UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday to present the concept for Switzerland's 2011 presidency of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD).

The Global Forum on Migration and Development is the first and only global dialogue on migration and development issues. It was founded in 2006 on the initiative of the then-UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. It is open to all UN Member States and works to strengthen informal experience-sharing and cooperation between origin and destination countries affected by migration. Following on from Belgium, the Philippines, Greece and Mexico, Switzerland took over the presidency of the GFMD in December last year. The presidency is headed by Special Ambassador Eduard Gnesa.

Switzerland aims to build on the achievements of previous presidencies, while placing particular emphasis on an issue-led dialogue between countries from all regions that is focused, inclusive, and geared to action. Instead of a single major GFMD conference, as in the past, Switzerland wishes to hold a series of smaller meetings over the course of 2011. With its presidency, Switzerland intends to preserve the global nature of the process and involve states from all regions, international organizations and civil society and business stakeholders in the dialogue. Partnership with these stakeholders is one of the primary objectives of GFMD 2011.

The Special Ambassador presented the Secretary General with Switzerland's concept for its GFMD presidency during an informal working meeting. Ban Ki-moon listened with interest and praised Switzerland's practical approach.

While in New York, Special Ambassador Eduard Gnesa also met with the President of the UN General Assembly, former Federal Councillor Joseph Deiss.

Address for enquiries

Eduard Gnesa, Special Ambassador for International Cooperation on Migration Issues, Mobile: +41 79 218 79 61


State Secretariat for Migration

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
