Switzerland and US sign new agreement on the exchange of trainees and young professionals

Bern-Wabern, 11.10.2024 - Switzerland and the US today signed a new agreement in Bern on the exchange of trainees and young professionals. The agreement will make it easier for young Swiss people to receive training in the US, and for Americans to do the same in Switzerland, for short periods. This new agreement replaces the agreement from 1980.

State Secretary for Migration Christine Schraner Burgener signed the new agreement in Bern today. It will take effect from 30 November, and is aimed at young Swiss people between 18 and 35 years old. Those wishing to participate must either be in training or have a vocational diploma or higher education qualification. People who do not meet these requirements may still be eligible if they have some professional experience. In particular, they must be seeking to complete their studies or to improve their skills in their specialisation.

For both Swiss and American participants, residence and work permits are issued for up to 12 months, with the possibility of a 6-month extension.

Purpose of the agreement

The new agreement makes it easier for young professionals from both countries to obtain visas, and opens up the exchange programme to a wider range of people than under the 1980 agreement. The immersive experience of training abroad allows participants to improve their language, cultural and social skills.

Under the old programme, more than 100 people each year from Switzerland and as many from the United States benefited from an exchange in the 1980s and early 1990s. This number has fallen steadily since the 2000s, mainly because of changes in the requirements for obtaining a US visa.

Switzerland also has trainee exchange agreements in place with Argentina, Australia, Chile, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, Tunisia and Indonesia. Switzerland also has individual agreements with the member states of the European Union; however, these are no longer applied because the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons between Switzerland and the EU offers more favourable conditions.

Since the first trainee agreement was concluded (with Belgium in 1936), almost 40,000 Swiss trainees have been able to work temporarily abroad. Conversely, more than 58,000 foreign trainees have had the opportunity to experience the Swiss work environment.

Address for enquiries

SEM Information and Communication, medien@sem.admin.ch


State Secretariat for Migration
