Federal Councillor Beat Jans at ministerial meeting in Luxembourg

Bern, 10.10.2024 - On 10 October, Federal Councillor Beat Jans attended a meeting of justice and home affairs ministers of the (EU and) Schengen states in Luxembourg. The talks focused on better protection of the external border, internal border controls and the need for reform in relation to the EU's return policy.

These are priority issues for the Schengen states this year. The Hungarian Council presidency focused the ministerial meeting agenda on the protection of the external border, in particular the digitalisation of processes and systems, and the implementation of interoperability.

Federal Councillor Beat Jans stressed that external border protection was only one element of a functioning Schengen area and that challenges such as secondary immigration, Dublin transfers and internal border controls must also be addressed. External borders should also be strengthened through better cooperation with third countries. In this regard, the head of the FDJP referred to Switzerland's positive experience with migration partnerships, which served the interests of all parties involved and ensured that fundamental rights were guaranteed.

Mr Jans welcomed the discussion on return policy initiated by the Council presidency. He emphasised that there was a need to reform legislation in the area of return policy and argued in favour of Schengen states having greater room for manoeuvre in returning dangerous individuals. He was open to the suggestion that voluntary return to Afghanistan and Syria and the associated expansion of operational support from Frontex should be discussed in European bodies.

Bilateral meetings

In Luxembourg, Mr Jans held his first talks with the new French Interior Minister, Bruno Retailleau. He spoke with the new Greek Migration and Asylum Minister, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, about cooperation on migration as part of Switzerland's second contribution to selected EU states. Switzerland is providing support in Greece for projects to strengthen migration management and to accommodate vulnerable refugees. Mr Jans was briefed by Norwegian Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl on the latest asylum policy decisions in Norway. He discussed internal border controls with Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan and Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.

Address for enquiries

FDJP Communication Service, info@gs-efd.admin.ch, T +41 58 462 18 18


Federal Department of Justice and Police
