Seagoing vessels flying the Swiss flag: Federal Council relaxes regulations

Bern, 09.10.2024 - The hurdles for registering a ship under the Swiss flag are high. To enable more ships to sail under the Swiss flag, the Federal Council relaxed the registration requirements at its meeting on 27 September 2024. The corresponding ordinances have been amended, as part of the planned revision of maritime shipping legislation.

Due to the restrictive nature of the existing registration requirements, the possibility of registering ships under the Swiss flag is currently limited. The Swiss merchant fleet has shrunk by around 75% in the last few years alone.

Equal treatment compared to other companies

In order to facilitate the flagging of ships and yachts, the requirements for registration will be relaxed and adapted to the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations usually applicable to companies. Specifically, this concerns the existing requirements relating to the nationality of the owners, the beneficial owners and the administration and management. In addition, the provisions of the ordinance will be amended to the effect that shipping companies, like other companies, can be majority debt-financed without corresponding conditions.

Adaptation to international practice for yachts

Switzerland is taking account of the changes in international flagging practice and the trend towards larger ships and yachts.

Legal entities can now also register non-commercial vessels under their own name in the Swiss Yacht Register. Previously, this was reserved exclusively for individuals and associations.

The Yachts Ordinance will also be amended so that a certificate of flag registration will in future be valid for five years instead of the current three. Such a certificate is required for a yacht to fly the Swiss flag.

In addition to the amendments to the ordinances governing maritime navigation and yachts, the ordinance on maritime fees will be amended to simplify the levying of charges by means of a flat-rate system. The changes will enter into force on 1 January 2025 and come as part of the planned revision of maritime shipping legislation provided for in the Federal Council's maritime strategy. The next step will be to amend the Federal Act on Navigation under the Swiss Flag, as well as other, less urgent, amendments of ordinances.

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The Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs