Wide differences in pay among cultural workers

Neuchâtel, 30.09.2024 - Half of cultural workers work part-time, 14% have more than one job and just over a quarter are self-employed, considerably more than in the overall economy. In Switzerland, cultural workers earned a median wage of CHF 69 600, and for part-time work CHF 45 700 in 2023. There was a large gender pay gap: a female cultural worker earned CHF 78 000 for a full-time job, while her male colleague earned CHF 98 000. These are some of the new results from the Federal Statistical Office's cultural economy statistics, updated today for the first time with detailed information on wages.

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below)

Address for enquiries

Olivier Moeschler, FSO, Politics, Culture and Media Section, tel.: +41 58 463 69 67, email: poku@bfs.admin.ch


Federal Statistical Office
