22 new professors appointed at ETH Zurich and EPFL

Berne/Zurich, 18.09.2024 - At its meeting of 18/19 September 2024 and upon application of the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Joël Mesot, and the President of EPFL, Professor Martin Vetterli, the ETH Board appointed a total of 9 women and 13 men as professors and awarded the title of professor to two individuals and the title of Professor of Practice to three individuals. It also took note of the resignation of three professors and thanked them for their services. In the last 12 months, the ETH Board has made a total of 23 new appointments for women and 29 for men; the proportion of women among these new appointments thus amounts to 44%.

New appointment at ETH Zurich and EPFL

Professor Rolf Holderegger (*1965), currently Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of Conservation Biology in the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich and in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL. Since 2011, Rolf Holderegger has been Head of the Biodiversity and Conservation Biology research unit at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). In collaboration with partners such as the federal government, cantons and municipalities, he and his research unit develop scientific foundations for management strategies to protect biodiversity and natural resources in Switzerland and internationally. Rolf Holderegger was a member of the WSL Directorate from 2011 to 2023. He takes up the post of Director of WSL on 1 October 2024.

New appointments at ETH Zurich

Professor Sarbajit Banerjee (*1978), currently Professor at Texas A&M University in College Station, USA, as Full Professor of Battery Materials in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences. Sarbajit Banerjee's award-winning research is concerned with the mechanisms underlying energy storage. He has a particular interest in developing the molecular and material bases of electrochemical energy storage and finding scalable solutions to speed up the energy transition. As a full professor at ETH Zurich and Head of the Laboratory for Battery Science, which belongs to the PSI Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences (CEE), Sarbajit Banerjee will strengthen the links between the research areas of inorganic chemistry and materials science as well as boosting cross-collaboration between the two institutions.

Roger Boltshauser (*1964), currently Visiting Lecturer and Scientific Collaborator at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of Architecture and Regenerative Materials in the Department of Architecture. Roger Boltshauser is an outstanding Swiss architect whose work involves the application of sustainable construction technologies in current architectural practice. In his research he has a particular interest in exploring the structural, constructional, physical and material characteristics of clay. He is an internationally acclaimed researcher with an exceptional body of architectural work which has been widely reflected upon and well received in numerous academic publications. Roger Boltshauser is also valued for building bridges between design and construction science.

Dr Na Cai (*1989), currently Principal Investigator at Helmholtz Pioneer Campus and at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computational Medical Genomics in the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering. Na Cai conducts interdisciplinary research at the interface between genomics, bioinformatics and medicine on the genetic bases of neuropsychiatric diseases, and particularly major depressive disorders. She has made an important contribution in this area through developing new bioinformatic methods of analysing large genomic data sets. Na Cai's appointment strengthens the Department's expertise in medical genomics and bioinformatics.

Dr Linard Cantieni (*1979), currently Head of Department at the National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra) in Wettingen, as Full Professor of Underground Construction in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Linard Cantieni's research has made a significant contribution to our understanding of spatial effects in tunnelling and has helped to explain the causes of errors in determining pressure in conventional calculation models. Linard Cantieni has already collaborated closely with EPFL and ETH Zurich in the course of experiments at the Mont Terri rock laboratory. In making this appointment, ETH Zurich is ensuring that research and teaching in the field of underground construction can continue to be conducted at a high level internationally.

Dr Melissa Chapman (*1992), currently Director's Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy in the Department of Environmental Systems Science. Melissa Chapman's research takes place at the intersection of data science and biodiversity. She uses large data volumes and artificial intelligence to identify strategies for the protection and restoration of ecosystems. In addition, she participates in the development of environmental monitoring systems and has already published numerous articles in prestigious publications. In the department, Melissa Chapman will close a key gap in research and teaching relating to the human and political dimensions of biodiversity and land use.

Dr Michal Friedman (*1989), currently a postdoctoral student at ETH Zurich, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science. Michal Friedman's research at the interface between programming languages, systems and modern hardware has contributed to the performance analysis of persistent memory for data processing, and to improving system performance. This award-winning researcher is also working on improving the efficiency of computer systems and reducing the environmental impacts of computer technology. Michal Friedman strengthens the Department's capacities with her research on relevant, highly topical areas of computer science.

Professor Stefanie Jonas (*1980), currently Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of RNA Biology and Disease in the Department of Biology. As an assistant professor, Stefanie Jonas has dedicated herself to the National Centre of Competence in Research on "RNA & Disease - The role of RNA in disease mechanisms", in which she has achieved excellent results. In her field of research - gene regulation in mammalian cells - she investigated the role of the "Integrator complex" and the regulation of messenger RNA (mRNA) in order to gain a mechanistic understanding of gene regulation pathways. Stefanie Jonas received an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022 and has also gained a high international reputation as a lecturer and expert reviewer. She makes a significant contribution to the Department's teaching.

Professor Soeren Lienkamp (*1978), currently Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich, as Associate Professor of Anatomy (Dual Professorship with the University of Zurich) in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. Soeren Lienkamp's research on molecular and structural processes during the development of the kidneys has led to a better understanding of congenital renal malformations and various forms of polycystic kidney disease. In future, his work will also focus on the understanding and control of cellular identity and developing models for rare syndromal diseases. His research has won multiple awards, including an ERC Starting Grant in 2020. The newly created joint professorship focuses on specialist knowledge in human medicine and fits perfectly into ETH Zurich's strategic objective of training physicians and health experts and promoting interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers and hospitals.

Dr Michele Vallisneri (*1973), currently Senior/Principal Research Scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory of California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, USA, as Full Professor of Gravitational Physics in the Department of Physics. Michele Vallisneri is one of the world's leading experts in observational gravitational-wave astrophysics. His research has contributed to the measurement of the gravitational-wave background from supermassive black hole binaries, and he is involved with the space-based Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), one of the flagship missions of the European Space Agency (ESA). Michele Vallisneri will play a leading role in shaping Switzerland's contribution to LISA and will strengthen the newly founded ETH Space Center.

Professor Kerstin Noëlle Vokinger (*1988), currently Associate Professor at the University of Zurich, as Associate Professor of Regulation in Law, Medicine and Technology (Dual Professorship with the University of Zurich) in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. Kerstin Noëlle Vokinger researches and publishes not only in the area of law but also empirically in the fields of medicine and regulatory sciences, at the intersection of law, medicine and technology. She won the Swiss Science Prize Latsis 2022, among other awards. Her dual background in law and medicine strengthens the strategic partnership between ETH Zurich and the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich. With her specialist knowledge of legal and regulatory matters, Kerstin Noëlle Vokinger will be able to boost the success of medical software and medtech hardware developed at ETH Zurich, as well as strengthening the teaching of human medicine, among other contributions.

Promotions at ETH Zurich

Professor Ori Bar-Nur (*1980), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Regenerative and Muscle Biology in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. Ori Bar-Nur's research has a particular focus on the development of cell-based and gene-based approaches to treat the degenerative loss of muscle mass. His discovery that fibroblasts in genuine muscle stem cells can be reprogrammed has a wide range of potential practical applications, right up to generating muscle stem cell lines from domesticated animals for the production of sustainable, more environmentally friendly foods. Ori Bar-Nur has already registered a patent in connection with this discovery. He is an active member of the scientific community and has headed the Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport at ETH Zurich since earlier this year.

Professor Andrea Burden (*1983), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Pharmacoepidemiology in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences. Andrea Burden's research in pharmacoepidemiology, with a particular focus on the role of metabolic syndrome on the safety and effectiveness of medications and the side-effects of paracetamol and rise in opioid consumption in Switzerland, has contributed significantly to establishing this subject area at ETH Zurich and communicating its importance to Swiss political circles and the general public. Andrea Burden is exceptionally successful at obtaining third-party funding for her research, and undertakes a large number of tasks for the institution.

Professor Benjamin Grewe (*1980), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Neuronal Learning and Intelligent Systems in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Benjamin Grewe's research programme at the intersection between traditional neurobiology and information science builds bridges between the experimental neurosciences and Deep Learning. He investigates intelligence in mammals and uses the results to advance the development of neural networks in the direction of artificial intelligence (AI). He has already identified several core abilities of the brain which AI systems lack. Benjamin Grewe has an excellent international network and participates actively in teaching, as well as in committee work and departmental processes.

Professor Lenny Winkel (*1975), currently Associate Professor at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of Environmental Inorganic Geochemistry in the Department of Environmental Systems Science. Lenny Winkel is regarded as a leading global expert in the field of biogeochemical cycles, particularly that of selenium. Her award-winning research studies the environmental behaviour of selenium and other trace elements such as arsenic that can accumulate in groundwater and have an impact on health. Lenny Winkel builds bridges between research groups and institutes at ETH Zurich and with Eawag, of which she is a member of the Directorate and a group leader. In 2019 she won a Golden Owl at ETH Zurich for her commitment to teaching.

New appointments at EPFL

Professor Dimitrios Karampinos (*1980), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, as Associate Professor of Electrical and Micro Engineering and Physics in the School of Engineering and the School of Basic Sciences. Dimitrios Karampinos is an internationally recognised expert in body magnetic resonance imaging. The methods he uses for magnetic resonance image acquisition and reconstruction, as well as signal modelling have been translated into clinical studies to improve the diagnosis and understanding of musculoskeletal disorders, metabolic diseases and body oncology. His expertise at the interface of electronic engineering and physics will contribute to strengthening EPFL while also boosting collaborations with scientific and clinical research partners.

Dr Federica Zeni (*1989), currently Economist at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Finance at the College of Management of Technology. The main focus of Federica Zeni's research is on sustainable finance with particular attention to the topics of green securities, the effects of CO2 on firm's green transition or the complementarity between environmental policies and sustainable finance in fostering the green transition. With her solution-oriented approach, mathematical background and deep insight into the political dimensions of sustainable finance, Federica Zeni enriches research into climate finance, corporate finance and environmental economics at EPFL.

Dr Yujia Zhang (*1994), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Electrical and Micro Engineering in the School of Engineering. Yujia Zhang's research activities focus on controlling the movement and concentration of ions for the creation of synthetic devices interfacing with the living matter. Yujia Zhang has already made major contributions in the fields of micro and nano bio manufacturing, implantable and degradable devices, and biomaterials. His expertise will strengthen EPFL's visibility in the field of microsystems for the control and analysis of fluids and biological materials and will contribute to the development of interdisciplinary applications in these domains.

Promotions at EPFL

Professor Maartje Bastings (*1984), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Materials Sciences in the School of Engineering. Maartje Bastings is an internationally recognised expert in the field of DNA nanotechnology. She uses DNA to create nanomaterials that demonstrate exceptional precision and selectivity in functional interactions with biointerfaces. Besides providing fundamental insights, her research enables the development of new materials that can function as specialised components in the diagnostics of the future. She received an ERC Starting Grant in 2021. Through her activities, Maartje Bastings will continue to strengthen high-quality teaching and innovative research at EPFL.

Professor Giovanni D'Angelo (*1979), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences. Giovanni D'Angelo investigates the cell biology of lipids and lipid-like substances in cells. His innovative research has a particular focus on specific signatures of cellular lipid compositions: cell lipotypes. The resulting findings about lipid-defined metabolic states have far-reaching implications for research into diseases. His work in this previously little-investigated field was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant. Giovanni D'Angelo has not only achieved international recognition but also plays a full part in teaching and institutional activities at EPFL.

Professor Kevin Sivula (*1979), currently Associate Professor at EPFL, as Full Professor of Chemical Process Engineering in the School of Basic Sciences. Kevin Sivula is internationally recognised as one of the best-known researchers in the field of photoelectrochemistry and photocatalysis for water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction. He focuses in particular on the composition and morphology of auto-assembled semiconductor materials in order to develop new, cost-effective materials. His innovations in relation to semiconductors contribute to sustainable electricity production from solar energy. With his solution- and application-oriented approach to basic research and his commitment to teaching, Kevin Sivula will make important contributions to the School as a full professor.

Professor Mats Julius Stensrud (*1989), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Statistics in the School of Basic Sciences. Mats Stensrud's research programme in biostatistics, epidemiology and medicine exploits his expertise in all three areas to remarkable effect. By translating important practical challenges into formal mathematical problems, and by rigorously resolving these problems, he is able to contribute innovative solutions that impact both statistical methodology and the original application areas. He has won multiple awards for his highly regarded research and is acknowledged as one of the leading biostatisticians of his generation. As an associate professor at EPFL Mats Stensrud will continue to pursue his unique approach to research, while also initiating and leading interdisciplinary programmes.

Award of the title of Professor

Dr Emmanuel Denarié (*1963), currently Senior Scientist at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL. Emmanuel Denarié is focusing his activities on Ultra-High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC), a field in which he has pioneered research, teaching and practical applications in Switzerland and abroad. In this way, he is helping to unite the fields of materials science and structural engineering. He has also played a key role in the development of numerous national and international guidelines for UHPFRC.  Over the past 30 years, he has built up an excellent worldwide reputation at the forefront of this field.

Professor Olivier Michielin (*1968), currently Full Professor at the University of Geneva and Head of the Department of Oncology as well as Head of the Precision Oncology Service at the Geneva University Hospitals, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Life Sciences at EPFL. Olivier Michielin is a globally acclaimed scientist, both for his clinical expertise in the treatment of melanoma and for his solid scientific profile in personalised oncology. He introduced the use of the latest in silico big data analysis to clinical studies of melanoma cells, achieving groundbreaking results.

Award of the title of "Professor of Practice"

Professor Irene Burger (*1978), Head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the Cantonal Hospital Baden and Adjunct Professor at the University of Zurich, as Professor of Practice in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich. Irene Burger is a recognised expert in radiology and nuclear medicine with a focus on oncological hybrid imaging. She combines positron emission tomography with computer tomography in order to generate a fusion image showing both the structure and function of the body. This can be used to determine and investigate diseases ranging from cancer to heart muscle injury. Irene Burger also conducts research into metabolic disorders. With her translational research and considerable teaching experience, she will enrich the Department and strengthen the transfer of new technologies to the clinical setting.

Claudia Devaux (*1971), co-founder of Devaux & Devaux Architectes in Paris, France, as Professor of Practice in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL. Claudia Devaux is an internationally renowned architect and expert in twentieth-century listed buildings made from reinforced concrete. She is known in particular for her interdisciplinary approach and innovative ideas with regard to restoration, and she has an exceptional portfolio to her credit. In addition to passing on to her students her methodology for intervening in existing structures, based on extensive studies of the building as well as its surroundings and historical development, Claudia Devaux will also contribute to EPFL's interdisciplinary programme.

Dr Laurent-Dominique Piveteau (*1970), CEO of Debiotech SA in Lausanne, as Professor of Practice at the College of Management of Technology (CDM) at EPFL. Alongside his work for Debiotech SA, which develops innovative medical devices for biotech, medtech and pharmaceutical companies in a wide variety of fields such as diabetes, dialysis or drug delivery, Laurent-Dominique Piveteau is also a non-executive director of two medical instrument start-ups. With a solid academic training in basic science, engineering and management, he has multiple years' experience of successfully leading R&D teams, product and business development efforts and new company creation, also resulting in multiple submitted patents and scientific publications. At EPFL, Laurent-Dominique Piveteau will build new links with industry, among other things.

Departure from ETH Zurich

Professor Elsbeth Stern (*1957), currently Full Professor of Empirical Research in Learning and Teaching in the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, is to retire at the end of January 2025. Elsbeth Stern joined ETH Zurich as a full professor in 2006. Her scientific work investigates the acquisition and application of knowledge in the STEM subjects from the perspective of cognitive psychology. She also researches the interaction between intelligence and knowledge experimentally and in longitudinal studies. Elsbeth Stern has won awards for her public outreach work on communicating research results. As Director of Studies she is responsible for the teacher training programme at the ETH Zurich. From 2012 to 2015 she was also Head of Department, having been Deputy Head from 2009 to 2012.

Departures from EPFL

Professor Denis Duboule (*1955), currently Full Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences, will retire at the end of February 2025. Denis Duboule joined EPFL as a full professor in 2006, while also holding a professorship at the University of Geneva. He is regarded as one of Switzerland's leading researchers in life sciences and has gained an international reputation. His research on the evolution and development of vertebrates has made a decisive contribution to our current knowledge of the basic processes of embryonic development in mammals. In the course of his career Denis Duboule has been a member of numerous boards and advisory committees and has won many awards for his work. He is also regarded as a talented science communicator, both within the academic community and to the general public.

Professor Boi Faltings (*1960), currently Full Professor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, is to retire at the end of July 2025. After joining EPFL as an extraordinary professor in 1987, Boi Faltings founded and headed the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIA). In 1993 he was promoted to full professor. In addition to contributing to research on AI, Boi Faltings has founded or co-founded six companies. His laboratory also participated in the development of several web-related technologies. Subsequently, he made significant developments for the preservation of privacy in machine learning. Last but not least, Boi Faltings has made a significant contribution through his commitment to teaching at EPFL, and was Head of the EPFL's Department of Computer Science from 1996 to 1998.

The ETH Board would like to thank the departing professors for their services to science, teaching and academic administration.


Address for enquiries

Christoph Leuenberger
Deputy Head of Communications of the ETH Board
Häldeliweg 15, CH-8092 Zurich
+41 58 856 86 24


Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology
