Dwelling vacancy rate continues to fall in 2024

Neuchâtel, 10.09.2024 - On 1 June 2024, there were 51 974 empty dwellings in Switzerland. This was 1.08% of the total dwelling stock (including single-family houses). There were thus 2791 fewer empty dwellings compared with the previous year, a decrease of 5.1%. This is the fourth consecutive decline in the vacancy rate, which is attributable to the falling number of rental apartments on the market. These are the latest results from the Federal Statistical Office's (FSO) empty dwellings census.

This press release and further information on the topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below).

Address for enquiries

Info BAU, FSO, Economic Surveys section, tel.: +41 58 467 23 70, email: info.bau@bfs.admin.ch


Federal Statistical Office

Federal Housing Office
