Jacques Gerber appointed Federal Council Delegate for Ukraine

Bern, 04.09.2024 - Bern, 04.09.2024 – At its meeting on 4 September 2024, the Federal Council appointed Jacques Gerber to act as Federal Council Delegate for Ukraine. Mr Gerber, who is currently councillor of state for the canton of Jura, will carry out preparatory work for and manage the Federal Council's consolidated 'Ukraine country programme'. The 51-year-old will take up his new post on 1 January 2025.

Jacques Gerber is currently councillor of state for the canton of Jura. Having obtained a doctorate in agricultural economics, Mr Gerber began his professional career at the Institute for Economic and Regional Research at the University of Neuchâtel and the Institute of Agricultural Sciences at ETH Zurich. In 2003, he joined the Federal Office for Agriculture in Bern, where he served as an OECD officer, an adviser to the assistant director and as deputy assistant director of the Markets and International Affairs Directorate. In 2008, Mr Gerber was appointed head of the Environment Office for the canton of Jura. In 2015, he was elected to the Jura Cantonal Council, where he took up the post of head of the Department for the Economy and Health. Mr Gerber also serves as assistant director of the Conference of Cantonal Governments.

Consolidating aid for Ukraine within the Federal Administration

On 10 April, the Federal Council instructed the FDFA to establish a project unit responsible for managing the 'Ukraine country programme'. The 'Ukraine country programme' is intended to serve as a one-stop-shop for aid implementation. Federal Council Delegate for Ukraine Jacques Gerber will head the project unit, building on established processes and the expertise of three administrative offices:

-         the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) at the FDFA,

-         the Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD) within the FDFA State Secretariat, and

-         the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) at the EAER.

The SECO, SDC and PHRD units responsible for Ukraine must report to the Delegate on all work undertaken with respect to preparing and realising the 'Ukraine country programme', ensuring clear leadership and implementation across the relevant offices. In his new role, Mr Gerber will report to the head of the FDFA and head of the EAER. In terms of the organisational structure, the Delegate is attached to the FDFA General Secretariat. The title of ambassador will be conferred on Mr Gerber for the purpose of carrying out his duties.

Over the next twelve years (by 2036), the Federal Council intends to provide CHF 5 billion in support to Ukraine and the wider region, including CHF 1.5 billion for the 2025–28 period. On 26 June 2024, the Federal Council reaffirmed that Switzerland's private sector should play a key role in Ukraine's recovery efforts. With a stimulus programme providing CHF 500 million in funding over a four-year period, the Federal Council intends to create incentives for private investment in Ukraine recovery efforts by Swiss companies, thus ensuring visible 'Swissness'. Ukrainian refugees receiving skills training in Switzerland may also subsequently provide expertise to help rebuild Ukraine. The funds will come from the CHF 1.5 billion earmarked for Ukraine in the International Cooperation Strategy 2025–28, with CHF 1 billion to be used for traditional IC activities and CHF 500 million for the stimulus programme.

Long-term support for Ukraine

Switzerland has been supporting Ukraine's reform efforts since the 1990s. Since the war broke out in February 2022, the Federal Council has significantly stepped up support for Ukraine at diplomatic and humanitarian levels. In particular, Switzerland has been supporting Ukraine's economic development and long-term reconstruction. In assisting Ukraine, the federal government is helping to create stability in Europe and reduce migration flows. The support provided also indirectly strengthens Switzerland's security, prosperity and independence. Since February 2022 the federal government has spent some CHF 3.7 billion to support Ukrainian people affected by the war both in Ukraine and Switzerland.

Address for enquiries

For further information:
FDFA Communication
Tel. Press service +41 460 55 55


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
