New artillery system: Practical testing completed

Bern, 03.09.2024 - The Federal Office for Defence Procurement armasuisse has completed the practical testing of the three systems on the shortlist as part of the evaluation of a new artillery system. The tests took place in cooperation with industry and the Armed Forces between January 2023 and June 2024 in Switzerland and abroad. It was checked whether the systems meet the requirements. The results and findings will be evaluated over the next few months and summarised in an evaluation report.

After the pre-evaluation, the Federal Office for Defence Procurement armasuisse decided to evaluate three systems. These are the systems: Archer mobile howitzer from the company BAE Systems Bofors from Sweden and, from the company KNDS Germany the systems RCH 155 with Boxer carrier platform and AGM Artillery Gun Module with Piranha carrier platform.

The evaluation – a complex and decisive phase

Since the beginning of 2023, the three shortlist systems have been tested and analysed in depth, together with industry and the Armed Forces in practical trials in Switzerland and abroad. Logistical clarifications, technical shooting trials, mobility trials and troop trials were carried out with each of the three prototypes from industry. In particular, it was checked whether the systems meet the project goals and the military requirements, whether suitability for use in a militia army is the case and whether the performance specified by the manufacturers is achieved.

In parallel to the practical testing, official requests for offers are in progress, which pertain to contractual and business aspects as well as life cycle costs. The results and findings obtained from the practical tests will be evaluated over the next few months and summarised in an evaluation report. Together with the offers received, it forms the basis for the subsequent type decision. Procurement is to be requested in one of the next Armed Forces Dispatches.

Goal and purpose of the project

The self-propelled howitzers M109 currently in use are from the 1960s and will have reached the end of their useful life in the next few years. They therefore need to be replaced with a new, modern artillery system. The project “Artillery weapons platform and weapons 2026” (Art WPWM 26) aims to ensure the maintenance and further development of the ability of indirect fire at medium operating distance with increased range, precision and mobility.

Address for enquiries

Jacqueline Stampfli
Deputy Head of Communications armasuisse
+41 58 464 60 42



General Secretariat DDPS
