Federal Council elects new Rail Transport Commission RailCom president

Berne, 29.08.2024 - On 27 August 2024, the Federal Council elected Dr Barbara Furrer, Hedingen, as the new President of RailCom at the request of DETEC. She will take over the role from Patrizia Danioth Halter, Altdorf, who has headed RailCom successfully and with great commitment for the past 12 years.

Dr Furrer holds a doctorate in law and is an attorney with DHL Express (Switzerland) AG, in Basel/BS and Kloten/ZH. She is currently head of Legal Services for the Deutsche Post DHL Group in Switzerland. In this role, she is a member of the extended executive board in Switzerland. Dr Furrer has been a member of RailCom since 2024. She will take up her new post on 1 January 2025 and was elected until the end of the current term of office at the end of 2027.

Patrizia Danioth Halter, lic. iur., attorney and notary, LL.M., has headed RailCom since 2013. Due to term limits, she will step down at the end of the year.

Legal mandate

As an independent executive commission, RailCom is responsible for ensuring non-discriminatory access to the railway network and intermodal freight terminals and sidings that are subsidised by the Confederation. It also monitors the non-discriminatory provision of rail freight transport services between railway infrastructure and sidings or intermodal freight terminals, i.e. local delivery.

RailCom also monitors the non-discriminatory fulfilment of system tasks and the rights of participation in short and medium-term investment planning of infrastructure operators. This ensures a fair framework for rail infrastructure and supports a functioning rail market.

Address for enquiries

Rail Transport Commission RailCom
Christoffelgasse 5
CH-3003 Bern

Patrizia Danioth Halter, President RailCom
Tel. +41 58 463 13 00

Dr Barbara Furrer
Tel. + 41 44 555 88 19


Rail Transport Commission RailCom
