Authorities to work more closely to integrate refugees into the labour market

Bern-Wabern, 21.06.2024 - Employees from integration promotion, social welfare offices and public employment services in the cantons intend to work even more closely together in order to better integrate employable people from Ukraine, as well as refugees and temporarily admitted persons, into the labour market. This was stated by 150 experts on 20 June 2024 at the first national motivational conference on labour market integration of refugees. The federal government will support this effort by appointing a commissioner for labour market integration, providing more information for employers and jobseekers, and sponsoring pilot projects for the recognition of diplomas and the assessment of skills. Federal Councillor Beat Jans emphasised that better integration into the labour market would benefit everyone. "We need to give Switzerland a jolt when it comes to integrating refugees into the labour market," said Mr Jans.

On 1 November 2023, the Federal Council decided that 40% of employable people from Ukraine with protection status S should be in work by the end of 2024. This rate is currently around 25%. For those who came to Switzerland immediately after the outbreak of the war, the rate is around one third. In his opening speech at the national motivational conference, Federal Councillor Beat Jans thanked the cantonal authorities for their continuous efforts, which have already enabled more than 10,000 people with protection status S to find a job in Switzerland.

Mr Jans acknowledged that the Federal Council had set a very ambitious target. "But we can achieve it if everyone pulls together." The first national motivational conference, hosted by the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), was attended by around 150 managers and employees from integration and social welfare offices and regional employment centres (RAVs) in the cantons. Discussions focused on how cooperation between these authorities can be further improved and, in particular, how the RAVs can play a greater role. The RAVs are closely aligned with the labour market, and are aware of the regional particularities and the needs of employers, and of what it takes for refugee jobseekers to find and hold down a job. The aim of the conference was for the cantons to learn from each other in order to accelerate labour market integration.

Two examples from the cantons of Zurich and Neuchâtel were used to show how interdepartmental cooperation can be optimised. Based on this input, the experts from the 26 cantons discussed how these processes can be improved and expedited in all regions.

Businesses and jobseekers must also get involved

Employers and refugees also took part in the conference. They provided information on where they believe there is still room for improvement. "Many Ukrainian jobseekers still don't know how the Swiss job market works and where they can get information and support," said Mr Jans. SEM is already in the process of providing jobseekers and employers with targeted information about support services and contacts. In addition, Adrian Gerber, the Federal Council's representative for labour market integration, will discuss the options with companies, employers' associations, industry organisations and those seeking protection. The aim is to identify and remove obstacles to labour market integration and to bring businesses into contact with refugees who are willing to work. In addition, the federal government supports pilot projects for the recognition of diplomas and the assessment of skills.

"Everyone stands to gain"

Mr Jans pointed out that everyone stands to gain from better labour market integration of refugees. The people seeking protection from Ukraine benefit because they gain independence and acquire important skills for the reconstruction of their home country; the economy benefits because it can fill vacancies; and the Swiss population benefits because taxpayers pay less on social welfare if people seeking refuge earn money themselves. He once again called on Swiss companies to recognise the potential of job seekers from the asylum sector and give them a chance. He called on those seeking refuge to take the initiative, learn one of our national languages and actively look for a job. "The quickest way to learn a new language is at work. This is another reason why early contact between employers and job seekers is important," he said. This was confirmed by both an employer and a jobseeker from Ukraine who had found a job. However, they also emphasised that participation in language courses and integration measures play a key role in entering the job market.

The conference is one of several measures at federal level that the Federal Council approved on 8 May 2024. The measures are intended to further promote the integration of asylum seekers into the labour market.

Address for enquiries

State Secretariat for Migration SEM:
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO:


State Secretariat for Migration

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs