Cyber Europe 2024: Focus on the energy sector

Bern, 18.06.2024 - Cyber Europe 2024, the 7th edition of the European cyber exercise, will take place over the next two days. In recent years, exercises have been based on scenarios covering the healthcare sector, civil aviation and telecommunications. This year, the focus is on the energy sector. Switzerland is a co-organiser and an important partner of Cyber Europe 2024. Under the lead of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the exercise will also involve other federal agencies and around 30 organisations from the Swiss energy sector.

Cyber Europe is one of the largest cyber exercises in Europe and is organised by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). It is open to all EU member states as well as Norway, the UK and Switzerland. Each edition of Cyber Europe focuses on a critical economic sector. This year, the focus is on the energy sector. The exercise is virtual and focuses on a Europe-wide scenario that presents participants with challenges involving simulated cyberattacks of increasing intensity.

The NCSC will be responsible for running the exercise in Switzerland and will work with the administration and the private sector. The aim is to run through processes within the federal administration and test cooperation between the federal administration and businesses and at international level.

Cyber Europe lasts two days. In recent years, the exercises have involved around 1000 representatives from government and industry from across Europe. After the exercise, ENISA will evaluate the results and present the findings in an after-action report. The NCSC will also carry out a national analysis of the findings and results together with participants.

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NCSC Communications
+41 58 465 53 56


National Cyber Security Centre

General Secretariat DDPS