Opening address by President Viola Amherd at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine

Bern, 15.06.2024 - Opening address by President Viola Amherd, head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS), at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, Bürgenstock, Saturday, 15 June 2024.

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Ladies and gentlemen

It is an honour for me to welcome you here to the Bürgenstock, high above Lake Lucerne.

There is a long tradition of seeking ways out of war in peaceful places. The Bürgenstock is that kind of place. Though its beauty is in sharp contrast to the reason for this summit, the mountains serve as a reminder that it takes many steps to achieve ambitious goals.

Our goal is to inspire a process towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. Of course, we are aware that there is a long path ahead of us. We are under no illusion that we will reach a conclusive understanding at this summit. But we can come closer to reaching such an understanding, word by word, proposal by proposal, step by step.

Ladies and gentlemen

The past 28 months have made it clear that the war in Ukraine has far-reaching repercussions: for international order, for those in the areas directly affected by the hostilities, and for the lives of millions of people around the world. We all have an existential interest in ensuring that international relations are based on rules and on respect for international law and human rights.

Switzerland is a partner for peace and dialogue. As a neutral country, we look back on a long tradition of solidarity and good offices. The harmonious co-existence of nations isn’t just a noble objective: Striving for a just and peaceful international order is a commitment set out in our Constitution.

To fulfil this responsibility and honour our tradition, my government accepted President Zelenskyy’s request for us to host this summit. Our aim is to launch a broadly supported process, where voices from all corners of the globe can discuss their ideas and points of view.

The fact that you have accepted our invitation, and that your nations and international organisations have sent such high-level delegations, proves that this approach was right. Although our objective is ambitious, it is in the interest of everyone here to commit to this ambition!

Ladies and gentlemen

We are well aware that a peace process without Russia is inconceivable. A lasting solution must involve both parties. As an international community we can help to pave the way.  That is why we are here. At the same time, we are aiming to achieve real progress on specific issues.

With your support, we have defined three issues of global impact that we will discuss in our working groups. These are nuclear safety, food security and the human dimension. Our most important goals for this weekend are:

  • to inspire a process leading to leading to a framework for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine based on international law and the UN Charter.
  • to develop a common understanding on how to take concrete steps towards such a framework.
  • and we want to discuss how and under what conditions Russia can be included in this process.

It is essential that so many of us use this summit to express our support for a peaceful process, for a process beyond any armed hostilities. Over the past few months, you have actively and with the utmost commitment helped plan and prepare for this summit. I wish to thank you most sincerely for your help.

Ladies and gentlemen

Finding a path to peace requires perseverance and will. It requires effort on all sides. We can only achieve the ambitious goal of this summit if we pool our strengths and come together – even in areas where our positions differ.

Here on the Bürgenstock, we will all be making that first crucial step. It is up to us to make sure it is followed by a second. Thank you very much.

Address for enquiries

DDPS Communication
Federal Palace East
CH-3003 Bern


Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports