Private security services provided abroad in 2023: eighth FDFA report on PSSA implementation

Bern, 15.05.2024 - At its meeting on 15 May 2024, the Federal Council took note of the eighth annual report on the implementation of the Federal Act on Private Security Services Provided Abroad (PSSA). The Act requires companies intending to offer private security services abroad from Switzerland to declare the services to the competent authority in advance. In 2023, the FDFA received 95 declarations from companies. No activities were prohibited.

The Export Controls and Private Security Services Section (ECPS) of the FDFA is responsible for implementing the PSSA. In 2023, a total of 95 activities across different categories were declared, as in the previous year. The ECPS initiated one review procedure in 2023 but did not prohibit any activities. In 2023 no private security services were found to potentially involve direct participation in hostilities or serious human rights violations. Such activities are prohibited under Articles 8 and 9 of the PSSA. Following its inspections, the ECPS filed criminal charges with the Office of the Attorney General in three instances where reporting and cooperation obligations were allegedly breached.

Strengthening cooperation at national and international level

The authority's activities were marked by enhanced collaboration at both national and international levels. The FDFA provided various tools and guidelines to assist the federal authorities in engaging security companies for protection tasks abroad.

The changed global security situation has led to a growing influence of non-state actors such as private military and security companies (PMSCs). As the federal centre of expertise for PMSCs, the ECPS continuously monitors these activities and works at the international level to improve regulation and information exchange.

In 2023, the competent authority continued its information and awareness-raising work at the national level with companies that could potentially be affected by the PSSA. The main focus was on companies engaged in intelligence-related activities.

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FDFA Communication
Tel. Press service +41 460 55 55


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs